Portals & Prisms Podcast
2023: devotion to craft & process

2023: devotion to craft & process

prepping for a creative journey through the major arcana of the tarot
Deck: Tarot of the Holy Spectrum, first edition

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2023!

This bonus audio edition of Portals & Prisms is accessible to all subscribers. I wanted to give you an update about my December break and what’s coming in this space for 2023.

I pulled a card for 2023 for this beloved project of mine—and fittingly, I pulled the card I have the most intimate relationship with in the entire deck.

The 8 of Pentacles.

In the audio, I tell you a bit about what this card means to me and what I think it’s inviting us into in this space for 2023. But really what it boils down to:

showing up

devotion to process

communing with craft

Listen to the audio for a more in-depth contemplation on the invitations of the year in this space!

This is a really resonant card for me, especially in this space as I prepare to guide us on a year-long journey through the major arcana of the tarot through the lens of the creative process.

I explain this in the audio but here’s the abridged version:

Each month, I’ll be sending out an audio teaching transmission on one or two major arcana. Included along with the audio will be tarot spreads, prompts for reflection, and resources for further exploration.

In order to access the audio and spreads, you must be a paid subscriber of the newsletter.

Paid subscriptions are $5 a month, but if you plan to follow along for the entire year you can pay for the year in full for $36—that’s $3 per month!

I will also be sending out bonus supplemental material to go deeper with the archetypes throughout the month—these will be sent to the entire list.

If you don’t want to become a paid subscriber but you’re still interested in accessing the audio, the recordings and tarot spreads will be available to purchase as one-off mini-workshops on my website for $20 each. So if you’re only interested in going deeper with a card here or there, this is another good option.

A final note: in 2023 I’ll be sending out Portals & Prisms on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays! My work schedule shifted so Wednesday is no longer the best day for me to put it together. Don’t worry though—Mercury is still the patron saint of this space!

Alright, that’s about it for updates. The first teaching transmission on The Fool will be going out soon! I’m really excited to embark on this wild journey of re-wilding our relationship to our creativity with the cards in 2023.

Stay weird,

Become a paid subscriber of Portals & Prisms to receive the full experience in 2023! It’s gonna be ✨magic✨

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Portals & Prisms Podcast
⚡️A radioactive transmission constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see in the world.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨