The Glitch Witch
august 2024 interstellar transmission
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -22:59

august 2024 interstellar transmission

contact adventures in the dreamscape
CARD: Two of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon Tarot

Hello, fellow weirdos & dreamers!

I am so excited to introduce the NEW monthly Interstellar Transmission! This is the current evolution of the Quantum Creativity Transmissions.

The quantum theme for August is ”contact adventures in the dreamscape”.

d r e a m s a r e p a r a l l e l d i m e n s i o n s o f r e a l i t y

What makes something “real”?

Who decides what “real” is?

This is the [PLAYSCAPE] we are exploring this month on PORTALS & PRISMS and on my podcast THE GLITCH WITCH.


Is dream contact “real”?

Let’s play.


👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and galactic lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. Intro Rate $50 through August. Only TWO spots remain in August. BOOK HERE

🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to go deeper? In Quantum Hypnosis we go directly to the source. With your Higher Self guiding the way, I will take you on a journey into your subconscious to see the timelines, past earth or galactic lives, and multidimensional experiences to help you integrate more fully into this Earth incarnation and better understand what you came here to do. BOOK HERE


In This Issue You’ll Find

  • The August Interstellar Transmission | audio + written

  • Introduction to the August Contact Circle (fully distance!) PAID SUBSCRIBERS: respond to this email for a 50% off coupon code!

  • Resources for dream play



This August, we are going to explore the dream reality as a common ground on which contact can most easily occur. This phrase, "common ground," is one that I have learned from one of my favorite channels and contact teachers, Lyssa Royal Holt.

I highly recommend her books if you're into this topic. One of the things that Lyssa talks about, and what she channels through her interdimensional guides and extradimensional extraterrestrial guides, is that those of us who exist on the 3D or third-density physical plane are existing in a state of reality that most extraterrestrials, especially those in contact with us, don’t actually or can’t actually very easily enter. They have such a different density to their beingness that condensing themselves into the density required for them to actually interact with us on the level of waking consciousness is quite difficult for them, because it requires them to use up a lot of energy.

So what Lyssa talks about is that they need us on a common ground, and this has to do with brainwave states, basically. Most of us are in waking consciousness as beta brainwave state, which is how we do things. We talk to people, we think, we worry, we plan, we move around in time. We’re awake, we’re aware, we’re conscious, right? For the most part, we spend our time in beta brainwaves, and we have actually really prioritized the beta brainwave reality as the only legitimate reality, which is actually incorrect. Everything that happens in every brainwave state is just as real. It’s just real in maybe a different way than we’ve come to know real.

I’m going to be talking about this more later this month, so I’m really not going to go into depth on this. But that is why most often extradimensional or extraterrestrial contact occurs in alternate brainwave states or alternate states of consciousness. Lyssa Royal Holt and her channeled guides have labeled this the common ground. It is a state that both of us can access, maybe not easily, but definitely more accessibly. So we kind of shift our consciousness so that we can meet them, and they shift their consciousness so that they can meet us, and we meet on what we call a common ground.

One of the most accessible common grounds, especially in the beginning of contact, especially before you’ve begun to do much development on this, is in the dream state. Most ET or ED contact does not follow the rules of waking consciousness. This is because our star kin exist in different dimensions of reality and communicate via different dimensions of consciousness. Most of us are scanning the skies, waiting for a ship to land or a being to walk out and shake our hands. But that is the expectation of our ego anchors, who have a very compartmentalized perception of reality because of our egos' very compartmentalized experience of consciousness and because of societal programming that reinforces and conditions this compartmentalization.

We hold a belief that the only real experience is one that happens in our waking state, aka the beta brainwave state. Those of us who are witches and mystics developing our psychic and subtle senses know that reality extends beyond the tangible. Intuitively, we know this and understand this, and yet still, there are layers of conditioning we must remove. Of course, this is a gentle, incremental process, but there are layers of conditioning we must clear out before we can move beyond an intellectual understanding of this concept and into a felt sense of knowing. It’s at this point that we begin to decompartmentalize our consciousness.

What does it mean to decompartmentalize? Again, these are concepts I’ve learned from Lyssa Royal Holt, and I bring dimension to them from my own understanding and what my guides have shared with me. I will link to Lyssa’s books in this issue. To decompartmentalize our consciousness means to remove the barriers we have built up between our different states of consciousness, so that all states of consciousness become just as real as the ones we have prioritized in our current reality paradigm, aka waking consciousness.

When we wake up from a dream and say, “It was just a dream,” that is a compartmentalization. It’s not real, it happened in the dream state, so it’s not real. I don’t have to take it seriously; I don’t have to pay attention to it. One of the ways we can begin this decompartmentalization process is to stop diminishing and negating our dreams.

Instead of saying, “It was just a dream” and suppressing it, repressing it, ignoring it, moving on, we can ask ourselves: Was it just a dream, or was it real? Was it a real thing that happened in a state of reality that we aren’t used to accepting as reality?

When I say reality, it means we have to actually begin to unpack the word reality itself. Because right now, what most of us mean when we say reality is actually coming from that compartmentalized view—only the things that happen in waking consciousness are real. Anything else that happens outside of that—so things that happen in meditation, things that happen in your imagination, things that you receive maybe psychically or energetically, dreams you have, dream experiences you have—we negate those as not real.

Now, one of the nuances to this is that if you have a dream that someone you love passes away, for example, it doesn’t mean that that dream is real in the way that we think of reality now. It doesn’t mean it actually happened in that limited, narrow view of waking reality consciousness. No, of course it’s not real in that sense. But it is real on another level; it’s a real experience, and what happened there is, on some levels, just as real as what happens in waking consciousness. But it means expanding our understanding of what reality even is.

The reason this can be so confronting is because the ego—again, this is something I will talk about more later in the month—the ego really is only needed in waking consciousness. The ego is an anchor that keeps us grounded in our daily lives. But we don’t really need the ego so much in those other altered states of consciousness, and so it can be really frightening to the ego to expand its understanding of reality because it starts to worry that you’re not going to need it anymore.

So just here at the beginning—again, I’m going to go into this more later in the month—this is an invitation to just let your ego know that you’re not getting rid of it. You appreciate its role in helping you stay connected to the planet and connected to this third-density reality of your life that you live here on planet Earth, in this incarnation, as you. You can express gratitude for and reassure the ego, that identity part of yourself, that it’s not going anywhere, you’re not throwing it out. It gets to come along with you on this journey.

But at the same time, you’re not going to allow it to continue to dictate the boundaries of reality anymore.

Oftentimes, what we’re doing when we negate the reality of our dreams is we’re putting up a barrier between ourselves, our identity, our egos, and our dreams—a qualifier to help us put all the strange things that happen in dreams into a box of "not real" so that we don’t have to process things we don’t understand. What I’m trying to say here, and what we’re going to explore this month, is that the things that happen in your dreams are real. It’s just that dreams don’t operate on the same rules as the waking state, and this is actually one of the reasons why our ET friends can reach us there.

So next time you dream of contact, don’t dismiss it as just a dream. Consider your dream as another dimension of reality, a dimension of consciousness where your star kin can more easily reach you. Consider your dreams to be a common ground where contact can occur.

How does this shift change the shape of your experience? That’s what we’re going to be exploring this month.


I am so excited to introduce the August Contact Circle—a fully distance container not bound by time and space.

Many of us are conditioned to believe that Extraterrestrial Contact is something that happens TO us, often by chance.

But did you know that you can initiate contact yourself? In fact, our star kin are waiting for us to do just that.

If you are knew to this kind of work, dream contact is a great place to start. And this will be the focus of the August circle.

What you’ll receive:

  • A guided quantum hypnosis track to initiate, invite, and remember Dream Contact.

  • A workbook with questions, prompts, and exercises to help you process your contact

NOTE: Materials are not yet uploaded to the portal but you will be notified as soon as they are.

It is $35 to join this month’s circle. (If you’re a paid subscriber, please respond to this email for a coupon code for 50% off!)

PLUS: All paid PORTALS & PRISMS subscribers will be able to participate in a private contact discussion forum here on P&P! This is an incredible space where you can share your contact experiences, read about others’, connect more deeply with the contact group, and receive support + encouragement.



Little Hidden Doors by Naomi Sangreal

Dream Alchemy: Shaping Our Dreams to Transform Our Lives by Ted Andrews

The Weekly Microdose of Hypnosis with Désirée | includes MANY incredible dream programming tracks

Preparing for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness by Lyssa Royal Holt


My galactic story continues. Subscribe to the podcast for updates!

Until next time.

Stay weird,


Portals & Prisms is an expression of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

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The Glitch Witch
👾Join psychic channel, certified quantum hypnotist, and conscious contact guide Lisa Quigley on an intergalactic journey to remember why we are here on Planet Earth—NOW. Every evolutionary process begins with a mutation. There are gifts in your "glitches." Let's find them. 🛸👽