Portals & Prisms Podcast
december quantum creativity transmission

december quantum creativity transmission

embodying the frequency of nonsense.

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CARD: “The Moon” DECK: Starchild Tarot Akashic

Hello, my fellow weirdos! Welcome to the December Quantum Creativity Transmission.

STAY TUNED: I’m currently designing ELECTRIC PORTALS, a FREE 7-day email mini-course that will guide you through practices to rewild your creativity. OPEN THE FLOODGATES to your wild creative expression in 2024.

I am sending you so much love.

In This Issue You’ll Find

  • The December energy transmission | audio & written version

  • Quantum Creativity portals & invitations

  • December readings

  • Resources for further expansion

December Quantum Creativity Transmission


Your creative genius, your Wild Creative Self is the part of you that exists in the wild quantum field and is not conditioned or limited by the systems and constructs of the dominant paradigm. Your Wild Creative Self cannot be contained by any system. And your Wild Creative Self is whispering to you, calling to you, howling to you, roaring to you all the time. And one way you might notice that your Wild Creative Self is calling to you is that you have a yearning.

Maybe you have a tangible yearning to write a book or to make a podcast or to paint a masterpiece, or any number of possibilities—whatever it is that's specific to you. It could also just be a yearning for a certain kind of feeling in your life, a certain kind of liberation, a certain kind of time freedom. Your Wild Creative Self often communicates to you through your yearning.

And you'll notice that the parts of you that are programmed and conditioned by dominant culture are often the parts of you that resist this yearning, saying, “Well, that's a nice dream and all, but it’s just not possible for me.” Those parts of you will say your yearning isn’t practical or reasonable—or it just doesn't make sense.

This month is an invitation to do more things that don’t “make sense”.

What is something that is nonsense that you haven’t been letting yourself do, but which is actually accessible in the here and now?

So you can't drop everything and start a whole new life or not have any bills or not have to live in a way that fully liberates you from capitalistic constructs.

But what is a small action you can take toward the ultimate vision you have for your life?

There are parts of you that have been programmed and conditioned to stay small and safe. To make sense to people. To be logical. To be linear. And when these parts of you feel visions and invitations from the Wild Creative Self come in, they resist, insisting, “Well, that's just not possible”—and those parts shut down the entire vision.

So the quantum creativity invitation of this Moon energy this month is to feel into what parts of that vision you can do right now without tearing your whole life apart. So maybe you can't drop everything, go live in a hut in the woods, and read and write and paint all day. But you can take one personal day a month and spend that day doing all those things.

So: what are the nonsensical things you can do that are accessible in the here and now?

You are being invited to invite more nonsense into your life this December, to experiment and play with things and activities that don't have a guaranteed outcome. To listen to that call from your Wild Creative Self—and answer the call in any small way you can.

The dreams that call to you, maybe from the future, maybe through quantum time—sometimes feel too big to hold. The vision often feels SO wildly different from your current reality that your conditioned self literally can’t fathom how to get there. For most of us, a dramatic quantum leap from maybe our more rigid, conditioned realities to fully liberated and creatively expressed realities is, in many cases, too big of an ask. A way to sort of bridge between those two realities is to make much smaller leaps. If the journey from your current reality to the reality of your dreams feels utterly impossible, find the very small thing in that vision that does feel possible right now—and do that.

Once you have acclimated to your new reality that contains this tiny piece of your ultimate vision, find the next piece of the vision that feels accessible in the current moment. Integrate that, acclimate to that—and repeat the process.

It is with these small, incremental actions that your reality will expand to meet your dreams and visions. Over time, you may notice too that your window of tolerance for the unknown and your capacity for trusting your Wild Creative Self also expand the more you decondition. And you’ll notice that with practice and experience, you’ll be able to take bigger and bigger leaps.

But start small.

Start with a little nonsense.

See where it leads you, and have fun…

Quantum Creativity Portals & Invitations

Exercises and invitations for embodying the frequency of nonsense.

Photo by Vasilis Karkalas on Unsplash

Nonsense Vision Quest

Set aside 30 minutes when you know you won’t be interrupted. Put on some music. Make yourself a nice cup of tea (or serve up your bevvie of choice) and put on some comfy clothes. Get out your journal.

Prepare your space in any way that feels supportive. Ideas: Light a candle, burn sacred herbs, pull a tarot or oracle card, call in your spirit guides.

Set the intention that this half hour is sacred.

(This means no phone, no social media, no internet!)

Set a timer for 30 minutes, and when the timer begins, your sacred container is activated. Invite your wild creative self into this space to commune with you.

You have entered a quantum field where time is nonlinear and infinite realities exist at once.

In this space, free write in your journal the nonsense vision you receive from your wild creative self. Just write it all down stream of consciousness style, without editing or second-guessing yourself. Let myself go absolutely wild and just let it all out. Dream big. Be as outrageous and absurd and nonsensical as you dare.

Remember, there are NO limitations in this quantum space.

Here are some prompts…

  • Imagine there are absolutely no limitations on what kind of life you could live, almost as if you're writing fiction.

  • What would be the coolest kind of world to live in? What would the lives of everybody look like in that world?

  • If you were a god and you could create a world specifically suited to your desires, how the days in that world flow? What that world would look like?

  • The one and only prerequisite: this is your idea of an ultimate reality.

Once your 30 minutes is up, re-read your nonsense vision. It’s going to feel utterly unattainable—good.

Now, pick something small from that vision that is actually doable in your here and now. An activity or action or new habit that

just doesn't make sense
just doesn't have an end goal
just have a clear notion of where it's going to lead

This is a new activity or way of being that you have no “sensical” reason to do. The kind of thing you’ll have no logical explanation to your parents or whoever to help them understand why you’re doing this, or make it make sense to them. You won’t have the easy “excuse” of “so I can get a promotion at my job”, or “so I can put it on my resume”.

The more nonsensical, the better, especially if it’s relatively accessible in your current day-to-day life. Your reason for doing this thing is just that…you want to. It's part of your ultimate dream. It's a piece of your vision that you get to live right now. And just practice doing things that don’t “make sense. You're just to do some more nonsense this month. Do more things just because you want to. Just because they’re fun. Just because they’re interesting. Just because. You don't need a “good reason”—other than the very good reason that these activities bring you joy and pleasure and delight.

Some ideas of nonsense activities
  • write the book you’ve always wanted to read

  • go for a walk somewhere you’ve never been

  • paint a small picture a day

  • start an art junk journal

  • make a collage

  • take a nap

  • wander through a museum

  • watch reality tv

  • sleep in

  • get a hotel room and pretend to be a tourist in your own town

  • talk to a flower

  • read a book on a weird topic that has always fascinated you

  • make up your own language

  • take a class on a topic you’re obsessed with, even (especially) if you have no clue how you will “use” it

But truly, only YOU are the expert of your own nonsense vision. Pursue the nonsense that is meaningful to you.

A Tarot Spread for Embodying Nonsense

  • How am I being invited to embody more nonsense in my life?

  • What conditioning holds me back from pursuing things I deem as “nonsense”?

  • What is underneath this conditioning?

  • How am I being supported to decondition this aspect of myself?

  • How can I tend the parts of me that are scared of “not making sense”?

  • How can I tend the parts of me that are scared I’ll have to defend my choices and actions to others?

  • How am I being supported in creating boundaries around my choices?

  • A liberating message from my Wild Creative Self

Glitch with Me

My books are OPEN for December!

  • NEW IG DMs Mini Psychic Mediumship Readings *Training Wheels Pricing"* | $20

  • EMAIL AUDIO Akashic Records Reading | $50 — ask any question!

  • EMAIL AUDIO Soul’s Blueprint Psychic Reading | $50 — ask any question about why you are here!

  • VIRTUAL LIVE (Zoom) 60 minute Multi-modality Reading + Energy Clearing | $120 — great for digging deep into any area of your life you’d like more clarity, insight, empowerment, witnessing, and healing.

  • EMAIL VIDEO, AUDIO, + PDF 2024 Year Ahead Reading & Energy Clearing | $200 — channeled psychic messages, numerological cards of the year, monthly themes and invitations, energy clearing to align you with your intentions for 2024. ***limited availability***

These readings have been lighting me up to do and timeline-shifting and transformative for my clients as well.

Book a Reading

Resources for Further Reflection, Learning, Evolving, Growing

The Human Design Hedge Witch membership with Heather Mann

This list of horror novels about motherhood

Merriweather Post Pavillion by Animal Collective

Spirited (2022)

Alien Xmas (2020)

Until next time.

Stay weird,


Portals & Prisms is a labor of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

Portals & Prisms Podcast
⚡️A radioactive transmission constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see in the world.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨