Portals & Prisms Podcast
june 2024 quantum creativity transmission

june 2024 quantum creativity transmission

locate your homing beacon
CARD: Four of Swords DECK: The Starchild Tarot Akashic

Hello, fellow weirdos & dreamers!

I am so excited to be here with the June Quantum Creativity Transmission!

The quantum theme for June is “locate your homing beacon”


⚡️ELECTRIC PORTALS is my FREE offering is crafted with love to help you OPEN THE FLOODGATES to your wild creative expression in 2024. It’s an email mini-course that includes a series of short video modules, guided quantum journeys, tarot spreads, prompts, and more.

👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Dive into your star lineage in this reading that combines the Galactic Heritage Cards with my psychic and channeling skills. While no two readings are alike, this reading explores karmic themes & patterns, soul gifts, and galactic lineage. LIVE VIA ZOOM. Intro Rate $50 through August. June is fully booked, spots are going fast. BOOK HERE

🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to go deeper? In Quantum Hypnosis we go directly to the source. With your Higher Self guiding the way, I will take you on a journey into your subconscious to see the timelines, past earth or galactic lives, and multidimensional experiences to help you integrate more fully into this Earth incarnation and better understand what you came here to do. BOOK HERE


In This Issue You’ll Find

  • The June Quantum Creativity Transmission | audio + written highlights

  • Channeled guidance for dealing with triggers, conflict, and differing opinions.



The Quantum Creativity invitation for June is to locate your homing beacon when you’re feeling triggered, destabilized, or disconnected.

The swords are the realm of air, which is the realm of the intellect, the realm of the mind, the realm of thoughts, the realm of ideas and innovation.

And when there's a lot of noise happening, a lot of collective noise right now. People have opinions. People have viewpoints. People have clashing beliefs. People have clashing ideas. It's a very uncertain time on this planet right now.

It’s become even more chaotic in this specific time period, because a lot of the things that we once relied upon for a feeling of safety and belonging and security have shattered. What do I mean by that?

For a while, many of us were finding comfort and security in groups of others who were like minded—groups who agreed with us. We believed that if we could find a group to belong to, that shared our values and our beliefs, our opinions and viewpoints, then we could feel safe in that belonging. There was a feeling of the ground being sturdy beneath us.

But in the last several months, all of that has shattered because many opinions have changed. Suddenly, you find out you actually don’t agree on all the same things with people you once thought you agreed with. And the things you don't agree with them about feel like life or death.

That illusion of belonging in an ideological way to a group has shattered. And so now many of us are feeling that chaos and destabilization. We don't know where of if we belong. We don't know if we're safe.

And it has made it so that it's very challenging to ground into our truth and our gifts—and to even express ourselves because we've lost that sort of shield of safety that we once perceived ourselves to have within that group security.

And so now expressing ourselves feels even more vulnerable and frightening.

I believe it is actually more crucial now than ever that we all express our gifts, the truth we came to this planet to express.

The Four of Swords often comes up during times of chaos. When there’s lots of mind stuff, mental noise, mental chatter—the cacophony of other people's opinions.

And of course, we're being exposed on a regular basis to other people's opinions via the internet or scrolling on social media. We're seeing one opinion, then we're seeing another opinion. We're seeing this person's thoughts, that person's thoughts, and it all creates this sense of telepathic overwhelm.

This is all very Gemini-themed, by the way.

And this sense of overwhelm can become so great that we cannot hear our own hearts.

Four is a stabilizing number. You think of the four legs of a table, the foundation of a home having four corners, a pyramid having four corners. Four is a number of grounding and stability.

And so in the Four of Swords, we are encouraged to find our own sense of stability, to clear out the noise around us.

In the Four of Swords you enter the silent chamber of your own heart. You are with your own process. You can hear what you actually think, what you actually believe, and even more, what you truly feel.

The Four of Swords is a very supportive archetype for this point in time, because it is helping us to create the sense of mental clarity that we all crave.

And from this place of mental clarity, you can connect with your truth. Again, listen to the transmission from last month to get a better understanding of the prismatic, multidimensional nature of truth.

(Truth, by the way, comes up a lot in the swords suit because truth resides the air realm.)

So when everybody else is making a lot of noise, what is your truth?

Listen to the audio for the full transmission.

And below, you’ll find a process I channeled from my guides that provides a tangible and accessible way to do this in real time.


When you are triggered by something that you see online or a comment someone makes:

  1. The first thing you're invited to do is connect with your body.

    1. A way that they recommended is through tapping. Tapping and breathing and feeling the sensation of being triggered move through your body. As you tap, extend a cord down from your root center into the core of the planet and connect with Earth energy. And as you tap and breathe, feel all of these triggered sensations move down down your central channel and out through your root. Send this energy to be transmuted by the earth.

    2. Here is a simple six-point tapping exercise:

  2. Next, close your eyes and take some deep breaths and connect with the galactic core. The galactic core is the center of our galaxy. You don't have to see it to know that it's there, but the galactic core has a pulse and it thrums the pulse of life.

    1. One way to connect to it is by connecting to your own heartbeat. Put your hand on your heart, breathe and feel your heart beating beneath your hands. And just imagine that galactic core pulsing like a heart at the center of the galaxy. And breathe into that. Align yourself with that pulse of life.

    2. It's a way of connecting to something that's bigger than you. And really, the galactic core is the heart of life at the core of our entire galaxy. You can feel an echo of that with the way that your heart beats and with the way that your blood flows through your veins.

  3. Now, connect with our sun—Sol. Breathe into the sun and imagine connecting with solar energy is a way of connecting with higher self energy.

    1. It's a way of connecting with your truest expression. It's a way of connecting with who you came to this planet to be. Breathe into that solar energy.

    2. You might even contemplate your sun placement in astrology. Just feel the sensations that come up in your body when your think of your zodiacal sun placement.

  4. The final piece of this is to energetically connect with the person who posted the triggering content.

    1. Whether it's that you feel inadequate or a sense of shame. Maybe you feel guilty, maybe you feel anxious, maybe you feel angry at them—it doesn't really matter.

    2. What they instructed me to do was to allow their post or whatever to be there and allow them to be in their feelings about whatever it is I agree or don't agree with. Just be their witness. Witness them from afar.

    3. In your mind or out loud, say, “I see your pain, I see your heart, I trust you, with you, I believe you.”

    4. And even if you don't agree, even if you think their opinion is wrong, you are acknowledging their sovereignty as a human being and you're connecting with their humanity beyond the noise.

    5. Often when we see something, especially something we disagree with, we become defensive of our own viewpoint and go automatically into arguing mode.

    6. You can have your opinion, that person who triggered you can have their opinion, but you also acknowledge and honor their sovereignty when you just let them make their choices. Don't presume to have control over their choices, their beliefs, their viewpoint, and their expression.

This is quite challenging, and it is really advanced energy work, so go easy with yourself.

But if you can go through this process whenever you’re triggered, it will be very powerful for you and it will re-orient you to your heart’s homing beacon and reconnect you with your authentic self.


Lots more to come. Subscribe to the podcast for updates!

Until next time.

Stay weird,


Portals & Prisms is an expression of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

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