The Glitch Witch
November 2024 Interstellar Transmission
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:15

November 2024 Interstellar Transmission

🏹 imagination is a doorway
CARD: Page of Dreams DECK: Blood Moon Tarot

Hello, Glitch Witches,

Welcome to the November Interstellar Transmission.

The quantum theme for November is ”imagination is a doorway”.



In 2016 I was emotionally devastated by the election results. I could barely move or function. I felt physically and emotionally incapacitated.

I was pregnant with my son (my oldest, who is now seven) at the time. I didn’t know it yet, but that was the beginning of a seven-year initiation into remembrance.

On Wednesday I won’t say I was thrilled with the results (I was not.) I felt grief and sadness, disappointment, some fear.

But I felt something else happening too...something wild and electric.

It was like a big POWER ON feeling. I felt so grounded. I was able to let the emotions move through my body without fully dissociating. I felt such clarity of purpose and an intensity of amplifying power.

So much despair is being reflected to me but I just…don’t feel that. I feel people wanting me to match their fear and their pain and their despair and I just…physically can’t.

I am empowered. I am immovable. I am unshakeable.

Portals of possibility have now opened. Hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe an infinite number.

I see them shimmering before us. All of us.

This is a potent time.

We all have a choice in this moment. We can choose to stay asleep to our true power.

We can allow ourselves to be lulled by the dream (or nightmare) of despair and futility.

The interesting thing about despair is that, even though it doesn’t feel very good, it is quite seductive.

Despair makes it easy to give up. To surrender.

But despair is not the only choice available right now.

We can also choose to remember.

Remember who we are. Where we came from.

Remember that we have creative agency—even when we don’t feel like we do.

The paradox is that remembrance is not the “easy” path.

Waking up, remembering, engaging life as it is requires some effort. Some challenge.

Imagination is a doorway that leads us into what comes next.

Imagination is NOT a luxury. It is NOT frivolity.

Imagination is the very compass that will guide is through the labyrinth, that will show us the way forward, that will open up pathways and doorways in what seems like dead-ends or brick walls.

Can you feel it, too? The inevitability of evolution sizzling and crackling in the air, like electricity?

The energy field all around us is ALIVE with it.

No one said it would be easy.

But you know, deep in your bones—beneath the stories, beneath the projections, beneath the programs, beneath the conditioning—that you came here for this time.

We have reached a turning point.

And we are not alone.

I did a contact meditation Sunday night before bed, and woke up at 1:08am on 11/11 to the TV in the basement blaring—as well as every single basement light turned on.

Our galactic guides are with us, supporting our evolutionary transition across dimensions.

But they are not here to save us. They are not gods or demons.

They are collaborating with us.

Energy is moving. Timelines are converging.

My imagination shows me a world beyond all this.

Beyond all the constructs. All the structures.

Every last one.

My imagination is bigger than anything we have built.

I imagine a society beyond empire. Beyond capitalism. Beyond republics. Beyond democracy. Beyond communism. Beyond socialism.

Beyond all of it.

There aren’t even words invented yet on Earth for the kind of world and society I envision.

It will be like nothing we have ever seen—in any lifetime.

But birthing that world requires each of us to remember who we are and do what we came here to do.

The external world is chaotic. The energy is intense. People have a lot of opinions about what other people should think, or what they should be doing.

I wish I could say things will settle—but I sense that this frenetic energy will only amplify.

This is an initiation.

Amidst the swirl of fear and panic, people are attempting to find safety in a sense of control.

(This attempt to control others is coming from every side, every angle. It’s not just one group—regardless of what any one group will tell you. It’s everywhere. The call is coming from inside the house.)

Notice when you’re feeling a “should.”

Notice when you want to share, speak, or create—but you “hold it back”, hold it in, for fear of what people will think, say, or do.

For fear of being punished.

These are control energetics at work in your system.

Release them.

These old, old programs of fear, control, and punishment are ready to be released.

Welcome to the great unraveling.

I cannot tell you what your “purpose” is. I cannot tell you what you are “supposed” to do in this moment in time.

No one can.

You must remember for yourself.

When you can remember why you are here in the context of lifetimes throughout the galaxy, that context becomes your anchor.

Not the tosses and turns of the fickleness of external reality.

“What’s happening on Earth” always shifts and changes—and that’s only going to ramp up in the times to come.

Sometimes you’ll feel safe. Sometimes you won’t. Sometimes you’ll be acutely aware that your safety is achieved through exploitative and extractive means.

What I know is this:

The vision you have for Earth is so much bigger than what we’ve inherited.

But if you’re relying on the external reality to mirror your preferences so you can keep going, your roots will not be very deep.

They will be easy to pull out.

Accessing your Galactic memories is one way to root deeper than the illusion on the surface.

It gives the full context of what you’re doing here on Earth—as Earth moves through this particularly turbulent time.

This gives you the STAMINA to keep going, keep showing up to what calls you, keep moving toward the vision.

Because you can see more of the picture, more of the whole. You understand that in the grand scheme of things, this is momentary blip in time.

This doesn’t mean you don’t care about what’s happening externally in the NOW, but it does mean you are resourced by the WHOLE CONTEXT.

You’ll see that is simultaneously bigger than you AND that you came here with a specific and pivotal role to play.

That is the power of galactic remembrance.🌌

You become unshakable.

And what the Earth plane needs right now is more unshakable people.

Your imagination is the portal through it all.

In the coming months, I have much planned for supporting you in using your imagination to activate your galactic remembrance.

If you want something right now, you can access this replay of Meet Your Cosmic Family, in which I guide you on a quantum journey to connect with your star ancestors.

Whatever you choose to do at this time, remember:

You are more than capable.

You were born for this.

May this transmission be an activation.


tarot + oracle spread and/or journal prompts
  • Whose fear is this? Is it mine? Or does it belong to someone else?

  • Is this fear true? Or is it a projection/distortion?

  • How can I stay grounded in this moment?

  • If I am capable of imagining a worst-case scenario, how might I access my imagination of a best-case scenario?

  • How else might I harness the power of my imagination in this moment?


👽GALACTIC HERITAGE READINGS: Explore your star lineage, karmic themes, and soul gifts. LIVE VIA ZOOM. BOOK HERE (NOTE: limited space so book now to reserve your spot)

🧬QUANTUM HYPNOSIS: Want to explore a past galactic life or revisit a suspect contact experience? BOOK HERE


🧪QUANTUM APOTHECARY: Where you will find bespoke hypnotic remedies and medicinal transmissions to dissolve the illusion of forgetfulness and help you remember who you arePICK YOUR CONCOCTIONPaid Subscribers get free access here.


My galactic story continues. Subscribe to the podcast for updates!



Until next time.

Your conscious contact guide,


Here are some ways I can support you more deeply in remembering who you are:

Find me on Instagram, listen to The Glitch Witch podcast, schedule a 1:1 here, schedule a quantum hypnosis session here, and explore my full menu of energy healing, hypnosis, and psychic readings.

Portals & Prisms is an expression of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

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