Portals & Prisms Podcast
november energy transmission

november energy transmission

the planet *cries out* for your dreams.
CARD: “Page of Wands” DECK: Tarot of the Holy Spectrum, Infinity Edition

Hello, my fellow weirdos! Welcome to the November Energy Transmission.

Before we continue, I invite you to take a deep breath.

S l o w inhale, taking breath all the way into your pelvis.

S l o w e r exhale, releasing the breath until your lungs are completely empty.

Place a hand on your heart. Take more slow, conscious breaths if you need them.

I am sending you so much love. From my heart to your heart.

In This Issue You’ll Find

  • The November energy transmission | audio & written version

  • Cards spread & prompts

  • My November books are OPEN!

  • Resources for further expansion

November Energy Transmission

Release the myth of “not ready.” Release the story of “not yet.” From your perspective, you will never feel “ready”. It will never feel like the “perfect time.”

There is just now. Will you claim your power now? Will you claim your authority now?

Now is a time of great initiation—and many of you are being initiated. You feel as though you are walking through fire—hold fast. The fire is cleansing. The fire is transformative. The fire is alchemical. You are being prepared for the times ahead.

When you feel as though you’ll be lost in the fire, devoured and dissolved by it, locate your roots. Get grounded. Sit on the earth. Touch your body. Remember you are real. Find your physicality.

The element of earth is a POWERFUL ally for these fiery times.

SALT is especially potent as a grounding element. Salt baths. Salt caves. Gargle with salt water. Breathe salt into your lungs. Sit with salt. Feel its charging and neutralizing effect on your field. Salt will help you relocate the fires of your own heart when you feel as though you’ll be obliterated by the fires of the whole world.

And you must locate the fires of your heart. Your passions, your gifts, your magic, your desires. These fires, specific to you, are uniquely entrusted to you in order to serve this planet. (And remember: YOU are part of this planet. ANY serving MUST ALSO serve YOU.)

Pleasure is rebellion. Fun is rebellion. Delight is rebellion. Joy is rebellion. Art is rebellion.

There are ways you’re being called to show up in service to this world that incorporate and celebrate these things, rather than reject them.

Remember: “A New World” REQUIRES creation. If you are only seeing what must be destroyed, you are only seeing part of the picture. What must be rebuilt, reimagined—and what is your role in that? How are you specifically here as an emissary of the gods to participate in the creation of something NEW?

If you are attracted to THIS SPACE there is a HIGH probability that a large part of your role on this planet is reality creation.

What are you here to create? How are you here to contribute to the creation of a new reality? A reality beyond war, beyond subjugation, beyond domination, exploitation, control?

It may feel selfish to consider these things but it is NOT. It is crucial. The planet is in DIRE NEED of people brave enough to put their imaginations to work.

What do you imagine?

What kind of world can you imagine?

What feels TOO GOOD to be true?


And then, in whatever ways are accessible to you, LIVE what you imagine.

Again: this is not selfish. This does not mean turning a blind eye to the suffering in the world.

If you are here, if you are attracted to this space, there is a HIGH PROBABILITY that you are a highly sensitive being. You are acutely aware of and attuned to the suffering of the world.

Feel your grief. Make space for your pain. But don’t allow it to crush you, to dissolve you, to silence and stifle you.

You must transmute your emotion into reality creation. YOU ARE HERE to help breathe and dream and create and build a new world into being.

There are systems that MUST crumble—and they are.

But what then? What happens when the whole world is rubble?

The planet needs your imagination. The planet cries out for your dreams.

These ARE NOT frivolous.

Imagination and dreams quite literally make the world.

For too long, we have been living in a world created from the imagination and dreams of people with limited vision.

Your vision is limitless. You MUST allow yourself to indulge your limitless imagination. The world depends on it.

This is not frivolous. This is not a waste of time. WASTE MORE TIME. This is rebellion. Indulge your vision. You must.

Salt. Stones. Soil. Plants. Trees.

The element of earth wishes to support you at this time. When you’re struggling to hear your heart through all the noise—call on earth as your ally.

Hold a stone in your palm. Take a flower essence or herbal tincture. Sit in a salt bath. Place a bowl of salt beneath your bed. Breathe in salt particles to clear your lungs, your throat, and your energy field.

Your heart is a KEY in these trying times. Get into your heart. What unfathomable possibilities does your heart whisper to you? Not just “good enough”—we’re talking the stuff of your wildest dreams. For yourself and the collective?

What joy do you crave? What visions do you have? What does your heart whisper to you about imagination?

Listen. Allow your heart to lead.

A Card Spread to Catalyze Active Imagining

If you do this spread, I’d love to see your results! Feel free to share on social media or message me to let me know what’s coming up—only if you desire!

Remember, you can use tarot, oracle, or other kinds of cards. Alternatively, you actually don’t even need to use a deck at all (if you don’t have one or don’t work with cards.) You can simply sit down with your journal and use these questions as prompts! Trust what comes up. Your intuition is your greatest teacher.

Photo by Luis Maniquet on Unsplash
  • How am I being supported to claim my power and authority now?

  • What are you here to create?

  • What kind of world can you imagine?

  • What unfathomable possibilities does your heart whisper to you?

  • What is your “in your wildest dreams for the collective AND yourself” vision?

  • What joy do you crave?

  • Where is your heart leading you right now?

Glitch with Me

My books are OPEN for November!

  • EMAIL AUDIO Akashic Records Reading | $50

  • EMAIL AUDIO Soul’s Blueprint Psycic Reading | $50

  • VIRTUAL LIVE (Zoom) 60 minute Multi-modality Reading + Energy Clearing | $120

  • EMAIL VIDEO, AUDIO, + PDF 2024 Year Ahead Reading & Energy Clearing | $200

These readings have been lighting me up to do and timeline-shifting and transformative for my clients as well.

Book a Reading

Resources for Further Reflection, Learning, Evolving, Growing

💨Himalayan Salt Inhaler

🧙🏼‍♀️“Ketzirah Lesser, Jewitch Art Priestess”, episode 117 of The Witch Wave podcast

⚡️This thought-provoking post by James-Olivia Chu Hillman @ inquisitivehuman on Instagram

Until next time.

Stay weird,


Portals & Prisms is a labor of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

Portals & Prisms Podcast
⚡️A radioactive transmission constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see in the world.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨