In my personal experience this is all easier said than done (or more accurately, more easier THOUGHT than EMBODIED) and we ALL do these things (even me—STILL!)
However, it is possible to reorient your internal compass so you’re no longer measuring yourself or your creative impulses according to systemic ideals you don’t even agree with or believe in.
This is not about mere ~ideas~ or fancy ~philosophies~ or ~frameworks~
In fact, this kind of radical internal shift is not achieved through more thinking and conceptualizing.
This is what we will be doing inside The Fool’s Portal. This is why we’re doing it as a group, this is why the calls are live.
I cannot transmit this paradigm shift via more “information”—more ideologies, more social posts, more newsletters, more books, more ideas, more rules.
The shift happens in the portal, via initiatory experience.
Rewilding your creativity isn’t about learning more “rules “ for creating. It’s an unlearning but it’s also more than that.
It is about completely rewiring your inner orientation so you’re no longer operating on the same circuit board this culture has programmed you with.
This is experiential work. This is magical work. This is mystical work. I am not going to TEACH you anything about creativity.
And when you experience it, when you learn how to connect with your own embodied current of living, electric creativity? ⚡️
This is also permanent work.
THIS is The Fool’s Portal🌀
Registration is still open till 5/17. Early bird ends 5/10—register by then to receive a 30-minute 1-on-1 creativity reading from me in addition to the experiential circle.
Enter the Portal with us?🌀
To be extra 1,000% clear—you actually do not NEED me OR The Fool’s Portal to experience and access your own wild creativity.
No one trained me in this work. I apprenticed with my own wild life force, my own innated creative impulses to rewild my own creativity.
You can too. It’s there for you, now.
The Fool’s Portal isn’t just a snazzy name I created for an offering (though I DO love it, and I AM excited to facilitate this circle!!)
The Fool’s Portal named ITSELF, told me what it wants to be called—because The Fool’s Portal is REAL, and it’s available at all times to every single human being on the planet.
Right now. Always. All the time.
With or without a course or a circle—or whatever you want to call it.
It’s available to you now—and all you have to do is locate the call of your wild self and move toward that zing of electricity.
That’s literally it.
Do that and you’ll find your way—in fact, do that and you’ll find you’re already IN The Fool’s Portal. You’ve already entered.
This is all true, AND.
It took me YEARS of feeling around in the dark woods of my own interior wild landscape to understand what they wanted to teach me.
And they have shown me how to guide your own experience of this alternate reality—the reality where you’re in FULL self-trust, in unapologetic sovereignty.
In rewilded creativity, we accept no less than pure, unadulterated autonomy.
Your creative wilds will have different teachings for you than mine do for me. I cannot tell you what you’ll find there.
But I CAN facilitate your un-wiring from a faulty operating system. I can guide experiences to help you disconnect from what is false.
The rest is up to you (and this is A THRILL⚡️)
I do hope you’ll join us. Details at the link below! Feel free to DM me with ANY questions!
Until next time, stay weird.