Portals & Prisms Podcast
september energy transmission

september energy transmission

you are the storyteller of your life
Card: Creator of Tomes (aka Queen of Wands) Deck: The Numinous Tarot

Hello, my fellow weirdos and welcome to the September Energy Transmission.

You’ll notice I’ve tweaked the name a bit—I used to call these the monthly “creativity” transmissions but my understanding of creativity has become so broad, so undefinable, so prismatic that the word itself pales in comparison to what I’m actually talking about, what we’re actually working with.

Because what’s really moving through us when we’re creative is our life force energy. And so I desire to open up the conversation, to reimagine what’s possible when we engage intentionally with our lives.

The card I pulled for September is the Creator of Tomes—aka the Queen of Wands. But this is why I love having so many different tarot decks (and why I’m a hopeless hopeful collector, lol.) Every artist engages with the archetypes and energies from their unique perspective, and their art always opens up something fresh and new in the cards for me. Some nuanced understanding, some new dimension of meaning.

This month is no different.

September’s energy brings an invitation to be the storyteller of your life.

What story are you telling?

What is your story?

And are you living it?

In This Issue You’ll Find

  • The September energy transmission audio

  • A written version of the transmission (for those who prefer reading!)

  • A card spread for tending your story

  • The newest episode of The Glitch Witch podcast

  • Info about my Akashic Records and Psychic Blueprint readings!

  • Resources for further expansion

Channeled September Energy Transmission

You are the teller of your own story. Not just the “author”—you see, once something is written and “authored” it becomes “past tense.” It becomes more “preserved”. More “permanent”. You are the author of your own story but more importantly:

You are the storyteller of your life.

A spoken story is a living, breathing entity. A spoken story is altered slightly with every telling. A spoken story shifts with time, shaped by the mood of the teller and the influence of the surroundings and the needs of the listeners. A spoken story evolves and morphs. A spoken story is meant only for the ears that are listening.

Your story is never “written”. Once it is “written”, the ending is known. The trajectory is determined.

Right now what is very important to remember: the story of your life is the story you tell yourself.

The story you tell yourself is the life you live.

You get to decide: do you like the story you are telling? Do you delight in the story you are living?

Remember: your life is a living, breathing entity. Nothing is set in stone.

When you come up against the inevitabilities of your circumstances, do you accept your trajectory as unalterable? Do you tell yourself stories like “this is just who I am” or “this is just how things are”?

Nothing is written.

Nothing is determined, beyond what you’ve decided is true.

We do not wish to imply that telling yourself a new story is easy.

We do not wish to imply that you can control every random happening in your life (you exist in a living, breathing world, after all, with many different stories being told and lived.)

We do not even wish to imply you have control.

We would simply direct your attention to the stories you are telling yourself about your life. The stories you are believing about yourself. And the stories you are telling yourself about what’s even possible for your life.

You cannot control anything. But you have so much more power than you realize.

You may be wondering: “But how do I know which stories I am telling myself?”

You may even say something like, “I am not telling myself any story. I am just living my life.”

Everyone is telling stories—consciously or unconsciously.

Every life is a living, breathing story being told.

If you do not know what stories you are telling, look to your thoughts. Look to your beliefs. Look to your choices. Look to your actions.

These will reveal the stories you are telling, for they shape the stories you are living.

You do not have “control” but you have many, many choices. You are not at the mercy of an endless stream of inevitabilities. You can ride the current, direct the flow.

Now is a time for great intentionality.

You are not at the mercy of the stories other people tell themselves about who they think you are and what they believe you are capable of. You are not at the mercy of who you’ve been in the past or even the stories you have told up to now.

You are the storyteller of your life.

Look at your life. Look at the story you’ve been telling.

Is it the story you really want to tell?

Is it the story you believe in—in your heart of hearts?

Is there any part of this story that saddens you, that disappoints you?

If the possibilities of your story were limitless (they are!) what story would you tell about your life?

Whisper it to yourself.

Write it down.

Remember—do not limit yourself in this exercise. Be bold. Be audacious. This is just an exercise of your imagination and you are just playing the part of the storyteller.

So go on: what is the wildest story you can tell?

You don’t even have to believe it yet. You don’t even have to live it yet.

Just play. Imagine.

“If there were no limits, what is the story I most desire to live?”

Tell yourself that new story.

Even if it’s outrageous.

Especially if it’s outrageous!

Tell it all (remembering too that a story is a living, breathing entity and that even as you tell this new story, you are allowed and encouraged to change any part of it at any time.)

When you have told this new story, examine it from all angles. Where are the parts you have the hardest time believing? Where are the parts you feel are most impossible?

Underline, circle, BOLD these parts.

This is where your journey lies.

To become the person who can think these things. To become the person who can believe these things. To become the person who can make these choices. To become the person who can take these actions.

You see, just by telling the story, you are already beginning to LIVE the story.

You are so much more powerful than you know. Tell yourself the truest, most earnest, most honest story you can.

And then LIVE it.

Card Spread for the Tending Your Story

If you do this spread, I’d love to see your results! Feel free to share on social media or message me to let me know what’s coming up—only if you desire!

Remember, you can use tarot, oracle, or other kinds of cards. Alternatively, you actually don’t even need to use a deck at all (if you don’t have one or don’t work with cards.) You can simply sit down with your journal and use these questions as prompts! Trust what comes up. Your intuition is your greatest teacher.

  • What is a story I’m ready to release/let go of?

  • How am I being supported in releasing this story?

  • What challenges might I encounter as I release this story?

  • How can I best meet these challenges?

  • What new story do I long to tell?

  • How am I being supported in telling this story?

  • Where am I resisting this new story?

  • How can I best soften this resistance?

  • An empowering message from my deepest self.

Episode 04 of The Glitch Witch Podcast: “You’re So Weird Now” with Rebecca Padgett

My fourth episode of The Glitch Witch podcast—a conversation with the mystical and magical Rebecca Padgett!—is now live! You can listen on your favorite podcast app or on my website.

Listen to Episode 04

Glitch with Me

I’m currently apprenticing myself in two different types of readings: Akashic Records and Psychic Blueprints. Part of this “self-apprenticeship” involves offering these services at “training wheels” pricing—a concept I learned about from the awesome Heather Mann!

To begin I am offering these readings for $20—priced for PRACTICE! My goal is to do a TON and hone my skills, deepen my experience, and refine these offerings. Eventually, they’ll be priced higher to reflect my experience and the quality of the work.

These initial readings very low touch—for $20 you ask a question and schedule a time for me to do the reading. I will do your reading at the scheduled time, but these are NOT live meetings. I will send your readings via audio notes in Instagram DMs.

As I gain experience, refine my skills, and deepen my trust in my ability to navigate these fields with confidence, I will increase the price until I finally establish the offering and settle at the final price.

I’ve been doing so many of these (already almost 20 people have booked!!) and I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING IT and feeling very energized. I am getting close to the amount I wanted to do at this tier before increasing to the next level…

So now it the time to POUNCE!

Book a Reading

Resources for Further Reflection, Learning, Evolving, Growing

🌹The Madonna Secret by Sophie Strand

🧙🏼‍♀️Witch: Getting Close to the Word, episode 94 of Moon to Moon podcast with Britten LaRue

🌀Timeline Jumping - Embodiment Guide 2.0 by Pea the Feary (free!)

🌌DREAM REALM by Ari Felix

Portals & Prisms is a labor of love and devotion. To contribute to the sacred reciprocity of the P&P ecosystem, become a free or paid subscriber.

Portals & Prisms Podcast
⚡️A radioactive transmission constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see in the world.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨