NOTE: TONIGHT Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 7:00pm I am teaching the FREE workshop “DENSITY SHIFT: WHEN YOU START A NEW CREATIVE PROJECT AND IT’S WAY FREAKING HARDER THAN YOU THOUGHT”. This is the [unofficial] Module 1 of my upcoming container U.F.O. SIGN UP FOR THE FREE WORKSHOP HERE! (replay included)
Today on THE GLITCH WITCH podcast I am thrilled to welcome Cara Claymore for this conversation all about Strength Magic.
Mystical people connect very easily to the unseen realms.
But when we start to disentangle from all these structures given to us by the overculture
—because we recognize that these are not structures we want to have in our system or to live by—
then we just become nebulous, really floaty and out there.
We connect to timelessness and boundlessness, but because we've eschewed the structures of the world, (because we don't value them)
we then are left with no structures.
And what magical, mystical, starseed, multi-dimensional people are really being called into at this crucial time on the planet is to renegotiate our relationship to doing and ambition and achievement and success on our terms from an authentic place.
Because it’s healthy to have ambition. It's healthy to want to achieve things. It's healthy to have drive. It's healthy to move your body.
But when we're operating from the ways that we've been programmed to relate to those kinds of things from the over cultures conditioning, those things become enmeshed with really toxic and inauthentic motivations.
So we disentangle from those, and then we're just connected to the etheric, the astral, the visionary realms.
But we don't have any frameworks to bring those through into the physical world, which creates stagnancy as we are here to be physical beings.
What Cara and I talk about is relating to physical movement from outside the boundaries of the overculture’s values.
And this is also what we’ll be doing inside my upcoming program (open for enrollment now!) U.F.O.
In this program you’ll learn to create your own fluid structures, your own frameworks that allow you to actually do things and take action in the physical realm without losing your connection to your values and autonomy.
And this conversation is a really great example of one area of life to do that. Enjoy!
Cara Claymore is a pirate cowboy witch from the future, here to plunder delight from the husk of the crumbling empire and express the sublime joy and agony of the Mystery through her art. She is an actor, speaker, writer, & filmmaker. She is one of the directors of Werewolf Game and Be Not Afraid (both of which she also starred in and produced with her partner, Jackie Payne). You can follow her art quest on Instagram and TikTok @CaraClaymore, and her Substack, StrengthMagick. She offers 1:1 creative and personal consulting on a limited basis. She is also a coach at the greatest gym in NYC, CrossFit South Brooklyn, where you can catch her heaving giant sandbags for fun. She lives with Jackie and their cat Murphy at Sunstrike Pictures HQ in Brooklyn, NY, homebase of her magickal operations and visionary shenanigans.
"Great wonders are possible." - Neville Goddard
For a FREE taste of my upcoming course U.F.O., you’re invited to tonight’s (2/4 at 7:00pm) workshop DENSITY SHIFT. Sign up here.
*NOW ENROLLING* FOR UPDATE. FORTIFY. OPEN. (U.F.O.) We begin February 11, 2025!
GALACTIC TIMELINE READING: explore your karmic themes, soul gifts, and star lineage | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | Understand your EARTH MISSION & how you're being asked to TAKE ACTION.
IMAGINAL CELL ACTIVATION: Commune with your dreams & desires in real time with me as your guide through the imaginal realm of your soul’s blueprint—GREAT FOR CLARITY | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | blend of psychism & hypnosis
QUANTUM HYPNOSIS MENTORSHIP: Deep timeline healing and guidance or the Future Earth Leader who desires more clarity on how they're here to take action
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