The Selfish-Selfless Paradox That is the Aquarius-Leo Axis
Or as I'm calling it, the INTERSTELLAR-TELEPATHY TAPES axis.
NOTE: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 7:00pm I am teaching the FREE workshop “DENSITY SHIFT: WHEN YOU START A NEW CREATIVE PROJECT AND IT’S WAY FREAKING HARDER THAN YOU THOUGHT”. This is the [unofficial] Module 1 of my upcoming container U.F.O. SIGN UP FOR THE FREE WORKSHOP HERE! (replay included)
I was crying on the subway.
I paused the podcast I was listening to — THE TELEPATHY TAPES — because my heart was swelling in my chest and I needed a minute to process.
Also, my brain was making rapid connections between the podcast and a film I’m currently obsessed with — INTERSTELLAR — and I whipped out my Notes app to try to capture my thoughts as they rapid fired.
My main thought:
Pursuing your truest desires is both selfish and selfless.
My heart was swollen with the bigness of it all.
A palpable love for this world even through everything.
For those who don’t know, THE TELEPATHY TAPES is a documentary-style show that (lovingly, earnestly) investigates the phenomenon of telepathy amongst non-verbal autistic children.
For me, this is not a leap. I am already connected to the reality of the unseen worlds. I already know telepathy (and so much more) is possible.
I think many of you reading this are as well.
But I know we are among a (growing, but) rarer demographic.
For much of the world “telepathy” is still somewhere on the spectrum between fantasy and pseudoscience.
I love the way this podcast keeps skeptics in mind the whole time, using science as a bridge to mystery.
To me, it is a tragedy that science and mysticism were ever separated—they belong together.
They are each part of an inseparable whole.
What I know is this. The children being born on Earth at this time are special: they are NEW PARADIGM CHILDREN.
They are born with an innate connection to extrasensory abilities—and I dream of a world where these children can thrive.
A world that believes them.
A world that presumes competence.
A world that doesn’t dismiss, invalidate, or suppress their magic.
ALL children.
Across the entire spectrum of expression.
Context for those who haven’t watched it: the Earth is dying and humanity is running out of options. The father in the story was once a celebrated astronaut…and he still dreams of the stars.
When he discovers that NASA is still operating secret missions to try to save humanity, and that they want him to participate in an exploratory mission—he leaps at the chance to go.
Even though the outcome is uncertain, success is not guaranteed, and more—the choice will take him away from his children (likely for many, many years.)
Cooper looking out at the stars.
This is what I can’t stop thinking about.
His impulse to go to the stars drives him away from his children—who are both angry at him for leaving.
But he knew: there was no future for his children (or anyone on Earth) if he stayed.
If he went? A future for Earth still wasn’t guaranteed…but there was a sliver of hope.
Going on this potentially futile mission was a selfless choice that required a lot of personal sacrifice.
At the same time, IT WAS DEEPLY SELFISH.
He WANTED to go. It was his DREAM to go. He craved being out there in the stars.
Entering the wormhole.
He went for his children, for the planet—but he also went for himself.
It pained him to go—the face the immediate pain of his children’s wrath—
and it excited him to go.
Cooper crying in the car on his way to NASA after saying goodbye to his daughter, who is furious with him for leaving.
In the end, it was his willingness to be honest about what he really wanted and also face the pain and discomfort the accompanied that choice—that saved humanity.
His selflessness and selfishness saved them all.
It wasn’t one or the other—it was both.
Of course, I don’t believe in saviors.
There won’t be a singular hero who saves us all.
But I do appreciate the metaphor. While none of us are being asked to leave our families and go to outer space, I do believe we’re each experiencing a micro version of this.
We have deep calls on our heart.
These calls often ask us to do really uncomfortable things. To risk the short term safety and comfort of the known world for the long term satisfaction of saying yes to what excites us and brings us more alive.
But to pretend that being selfish in this way doesn’t simultaneously come with its own sacrifices and selflessness is madness.
In saying YES to the work I’m doing in the world, there are sacrifices. I have less time with my family.
I engage with taboo and bizarre topics that are often ostracizing. I must allow myself to be labeled as “kookoo” or “crazy”.
My choice is a selfless one
(a vote I cast for the future world I want my children and all children to live in, a world where these subjects are not taboo, where psychic and supra-sensory abilities are not invalidated or dismissed)
But it’s also deeply selfish.
I want to do this work.
It thrills and excites me like nothing else.
I do it for them.
I do it for me.
My “why” is not driven by moment to moment discomfort, triggers, obstacles, naysayers, doubters, skeptics, and disbelievers.
I do not answer to them or to the fleeting pain their invalidation may bring.
I do this work because I am committed to the Future World I envision.
AND I do this work because it’s fun and I want to.
The selfishness-selflessness paradox is a HUGE them of the Aquarius-Leo axis and it’s something we’re really going to be exploring as a collective with Pluto in Aquarius.
I’ll be talking about this paradox a lot more inside my upcoming three-week container Update. Fortify. Open. (U.F.O.). If you get on the waitlist now, you’ll have access to a secret 50% off coupon code that is valid until TOMORROW February 2 at 11:59pm ET.
Tomorrow January 10 at 1:00 pm ET I’m going LIVE on Instagram for a micro teaching “When You Don’t Even Know What Your Calling IS”. SET YOUR REMINDER HERE.
NOTE: For the next few months, I’ll be going live on Instagram regularly. However! I finally got the ability to go live right here on Substack, so I plan to eventually switch over.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 7:00pm I am teaching the FREE workshop “DENSITY SHIFT: WHEN YOU START A NEW CREATIVE PROJECT AND IT’S WAY FREAKING HARDER THAN YOU THOUGHT”. This is the [unofficial] Module 1 of my upcoming container U.F.O. SIGN UP FOR THE FREE WORKSHOP HERE! (replay included)
GET ON THE U.F.O. WAITLIST | The secret entrance is live. Sign up on the U.F.O. waitlist to receive a SECRET 50% off coupon code via email and secret access to the sales page before the general public. The coupon code is valid through 2/2 at 11:59pm ET.
Your conscious contact guide,
Lisa 👽
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I'm a Leo moon and Aquarius rising (and Pisces sun...I'm a goddamn EXPERIENCE lol) so I felt this post in my fucking SOUL ✨️