Portals & Prisms Podcast
"you have no power over me"

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of PORTALS & PRISMS

"you have no power over me"

Creativity themes for May 2022.

Welcome to the first monthly episode of Portals & Prisms podcast, which includes a creativity forecast for May 2022!

Each month, paid subscribers will receive one bonus issue: an audio creativity forecast for the month, subscribers Q&A, resource links, and a tarot spread. Free subscribers will receive issues that explore the nuances of the monthly themes—and whatever else is coming up for creatively. You are welcome and wanted in either version!

Please note, this is a [loose] breakdown of what I’ll be doing each month. I’m leaving lots of space for this project to shift and evolve—my primary goal in doing it is to have fun!

The card I pulled [using the Apparition Tarot deck!) for our creativity in May is the 3 of Swords. You’ll notice I also pulled "Magic is Immediate” from Postcards from the Liminal Space deck (it’s out of print, sadly, but you can often find it on eBay or BST groups on FB!), as well as “Lucky” from Pixie Oracle.

If your heart stopped a bit at seeing 3 of Swords for the month ahead, you’re not alone. Mine did too. It’s going to be okay! Really. Just remember: “You have no power over me.”

Alright—grab your tea, coffee, or CBD seltzer (hey, I know which one I’m choosing) and settle in! List to the episode to explore the creative invitations of May—then check out the additional resources below!

In future monthly issues, I will also answer subscriber questions on creativity, magic, tarot, and more! Submit your questions at the link below.

Ask Me Anything!

This post is for paid subscribers

Portals & Prisms Podcast
⚡️A radioactive transmission constellating a collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of lawless creatives.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see in the world.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨