Enter the Portal

When you answer the electric call of your heart, you’re joining a prismatic fractalculture of weirdos, misfits, freaks & dreamers.

You didn’t come here to “fit in”—in fact, your glitches are your magic. Activate your glitch codes & be the wild, freaky deviant you came onto this planet to be.

Subscribe to receive channeled transmissions on wild creativity, electric expression, deviant mysticism, and more.

“Subscribing” is a Spell

When you hit the “subscribe” button, you initiate a spell: your conscious self whispers to the wild creative force within you that it’s time to awaken.

Note as the synchronicities begin to unfold when you say yes to your wild heart.

(Hint: You don’t actually have to join *this* space to initiate the spell)

But if you resonate with my frequency, you are invited to attune to your own in this space.

My transmissions are informed by my many years of study in multiple modalities, including tarot, the Akashic Records, Reiki, hypnosis, astrology, yoga, witchcraft, and more.

My offerings will always center your autonomy, sovereignty, and empowerment.

I seek and prioritize a model of learning and teaching that keeps the integrity of both student and teacher intact.

A student’s attention is a gift.

A student’s ignorance is a vulnerability.

I hold both with reverence.

Each new Portals & Prisms transmission goes directly to your inbox—an electric bolt of inspiration to enliven your deviant cosmic self and encourage your own electric expression.

👽Every evolutionary process begins with a mutation.

👾And honey, you are one magical mutation!

🌀BE the mutation you want to see in this beautiful, aching world.

Orbit with me! 🛸🌈👽✨

Enter the Portal

Go Deeper: The Inner Portal

🌌To receive the BONUS P&P broadcasts 🌈Rainbow Transmissions (love notes from the Akashic Records) and 👽Temple of Heresy (sacred profanity from the inner sanctum) as well as access to virtual meetups + discount codes, upgrade to a paid subscription—or as I prefer to say,

Enter the Inner Portal

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to PORTALS & PRISMS

⚡️An intergalactic transmission constellating a cosmic collective of weirdos, misfits, freaks, and dreamers. Coding a prismatic fractalculture of interplanetary souls.🌀Be the mutation you wish to see.👾Evolution requires deviance. Orbit with us! 🛸🌈👽✨


🧬Quantum Hypnotist👾Starseed Witch👽Intergalactic Channel⚡️🛸Galactic Heritage Readings🌌⬇️ 💫REMEMBER your Glitch Codes🌈