In this episode I unpack the energy of 2025, which is a 9 year—The Hermit in tarot.
I talk about paradox, intuition and logic, mundane and magic, science and mystery—and why 2025 is THE YEAR weirdos, mystics, and dreamers TAKE ACTION on their visionary dreams.
For the written version of this transmission and to see pictures of all the cards mentioned, read it on THE GLITCH WITCH.
For Future Earth Leaders who are ready to take action on their dreams, check out
GALACTIC TIMELINE READING: explore your karmic themes, soul gifts, and star lineage | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | Understand your EARTH MISSION & how you're being asked to TAKE ACTION.
IMAGINAL CELL ACTIVATION: Commune with your dreams & desires in real time with me as your guide through the imaginal realm of your soul’s blueprint—GREAT FOR CLARITY | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | blend of psychism & hypnosis
HYPNOTIC HABIT SPELLWORK: Hypnosis to clear old-timeline habits, embed new-timeline habits. | 1 hour, virtual live via Zoom | TIMELINE JUMP THROUGH DAILY ACTION.
QUANTUM HYPNOSIS MENTORSHIP: Deep timeline healing and guidance or the Future Earth Leader who desires more clarity on how they're here to take action
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